Winter skin

How Low Humidity Climates Cause Skin Aging

Conventional wisdom would suggest that living in a warm, sun-soaked climate like Florida would take the biggest toll on your skin. After all, it’s hard to escape wrinkles when you’re outside all day, basking in harmful UV rays. But new research shows cold, low-humidity climates can add years to your face, too. So even during

Polar Mask Blog

The #1 Ingredient Your Skin Needs This Winter

A cold, snowy winter may look beautiful, but it’s not the prettiest time of year for your skin – especially if you happen to live in a cold, dry climate. Low humidity, harsh indoor heat, whipping winds, and freezing temperatures suck the life out of skin, leaving it dry and dull.  While some may think

Protecting Your Skin in Polar-coaster Weather

If we’ve learned anything from these unprecedented times, it’s that life can be unpredictable — and being prepared for anything is key to getting through it. It’s even the same with the weather and your skin. We know the climate can be unpredictable, too, especially in winter. One day it’s nearly balmy and comfortable, the

Winter Skincare Tips- Why You Want Polar CEBs in Your Skincare This Winter

Winter Skincare Tips: Why You Want Polar CEBs in Your Skincare This Winter

Climate Energized Beautifiers (CEBs) are distinct botanicals and hydrators that are also some of the most unknown winter skincare tips It’s that time of year for winter skincare tips. Temperatures are dropping, snow may even be falling and you’re wondering if you need to stay inside in order to avoid all of winter’s not-so-pretty side