Winter skin

How Low Humidity Climates Cause Skin Aging

Conventional wisdom would suggest that living in a warm, sun-soaked climate like Florida would take the biggest toll on your skin. After all, it’s hard to escape wrinkles when you’re outside all day, basking in harmful UV rays. But new research shows cold, low-humidity climates can add years to your face, too. So even during

Winter Dry Skin Survival Strategies: How to Help Your Skin Survive the Cold

Winter Dry Skin Survival Strategies: How to Help Your Skin Survive the Cold

Biting winds, steamy showers, frigid air: Bitter winter weather can suck the life out of your winter dry skin. Here, how to protect your face from common cold-weather complexion killers. Winter Dry Skin Complexion killer: Dry, bitter cold When it’s frigid, skin loses moisture at an accelerated rate—as much as 25 percent more than it

Meet the Polar Day Cream

Meet the Polar Day Cream

Everyday moisturizers are the tank tops of skin care—they simply aren’t cut out to handle the cold. So when freezing weather hits, our best winter skincare tip is to switch to a day cream that knows how to weather the winter storms. That’s why we’re writing a love letter to the one cream that not