Know the ph balance of skin? Why Your Skin’s PH Could Be Wreaking Havoc On Your Complexion

pH Balance of Skin: Could It Be Wreaking Havoc On Your Complexion?

By now, you’ve likely noticed the effect of the seasons—heat, cold, dryness, humidity—have on your complexion. But what you may not know is that these climate changes throw our skin into a tantrum state by affecting the pH balance of skin and skin functions in general, which results in everything from acne to external aging.

what it means that skin is shocked by climate

What it Means That Skin is Shocked by Climate

Heading from one extreme climate to another? Your face is about to freak. All is well when seasons change and skin has time to gradually adjust to the new environment. But when you cross from tropical to polar (or vice versa) rather suddenly, panic sets in. “People get red cheeks, their skin gets dehydrated, and