Time Change

Time Change: A Sneaky Skin Ager

Did you know that daylight savings—or traveling between time zones—can have a negative impact on your skin?  When the body is subjected to a sudden and significant shift in its natural circadian rhythm, it scrambles to reset that internal clock. And that stress can elicit an inflammatory response in the body, triggering acne or rosacea

Four Factors That Can Accelerate Skin Aging

Four Factors That Can Accelerate Skin Aging

It turns out you need more than a sunhat or basic moisturizer to protect your skin from damaging environmental factors. Most of us blame our wrinkles, dryness, sagging, and crepiness on too many summers spent lounging around the pool. And while sun exposure is the primary cause of premature skin aging, there are several other environmental factors that can

Skin Dehydration Is Frequently Caused by Climate Aggressors

Skin Dehydration Is Frequently Caused by Climate Aggressors

If you’re experiencing skin dehydration, consider the climate you’re in. The old way of taking care of your skin would be to think of dryness as a skin type issue. If your complexion is dehydrated, it’s probably because your skin is naturally dry, right? Nope. In fact buying your skin products by skin type is