How to Combat Climate-Caused Aging (Hint: Start with the Right Skincare)

Every time you step outside, your skin is exposed to age-accelerating aggressors like UV rays, pollution, extreme cold, and oppressive heat. Here, how to protect your skin from the climate—without becoming a hermit More than 90 percent of the visible, external skin aging we complain about (wrinkles, discoloration, sagging) is related to climate, rather than our

Is Pollution Aging Your Skin? Find the Best Anti-Aging Face Cream

Is Pollution Aging Your Skin? Find the Best Anti-Aging Face Cream

You know you have to worry about the sun and what its UV rays are doing to destroy the collagen and elastin in your skin. That’s what makes consistent SPF usage a no-brainer. But have you considered everything else to which your face is subjected to as soon as you step into the great outdoors?